Derby V Sunderland |
21st Jan 25 7:45 pm |
90 Minutes |
Win only |
Selection | Price |
Derby | 9/4 |
Draw | 9/4 |
Sunderland | 11/10 |
Derby V Sunderland |
21st Jan 25 7:45 pm |
Correct Score |
Win only |
Price | Selection | Score | Selection | Price |
8/1 | Derby | 1-0 | Sunderland | 6/1 |
16/1 | Derby | 2-0 | Sunderland | 8/1 |
11/1 | Derby | 2-1 | Sunderland | 8/1 |
40/1 | Derby | 3-0 | Sunderland | 18/1 |
28/1 | Derby | 3-1 | Sunderland | 18/1 |
40/1 | Derby | 3-2 | Sunderland | 33/1 |
80/1 | Derby | 4-0 | Sunderland | 40/1 |
66/1 | Derby | 4-1 | Sunderland | 40/1 |
80/1 | Derby | 4-2 | Sunderland | 50/1 |
100/1 | Derby | 4-3 | Sunderland | 100/1 |
100/1 | Derby | 5-0 | Sunderland | 100/1 |
100/1 | Derby | 5-1 | Sunderland | 80/1 |
100/1 | Derby | 5-2 | Sunderland | 100/1 |
100/1 | Derby | 6-0 | Sunderland | 100/1 |
100/1 | Derby | 6-1 | Sunderland | 100/1 |
100/1 | Derby | 7-0 | Sunderland | 100/1 |
100/1 | Derby | 7-1 | Sunderland | 100/1 |
100/1 | Derby | 8-0 | Sunderland | 100/1 |
100/1 | Derby | 8-1 | Sunderland | 100/1 |
100/1 | Derby | 9-0 | Sunderland | 100/1 |
100/1 | Derby | 9-1 | Sunderland | 100/1 |
100/1 | Derby | 10-0 | Sunderland | 100/1 |
0-0 | Draw | 15/2 | ||
1-1 | Draw | 11/2 | ||
2-2 | Draw | 16/1 | ||
3-3 | Draw | 50/1 | ||
4-4 | Draw | 100/1 |
Derby V Sunderland |
21st Jan 25 7:45 pm |
Halftime / Fulltime Result |
Win only |
Selection | Price |
Derby - Derby | 9/2 |
Derby - Draw | 14/1 |
Derby - Sunderland | 25/1 |
Draw - Derby | 6/1 |
Draw - Draw | 7/2 |
Draw - Sunderland | 4/1 |
Sunderland - Derby | 33/1 |
Sunderland - Draw | 14/1 |
Sunderland - Sunderland | 13/5 |
Derby V Sunderland |
21st Jan 25 7:45 pm |
First Goalscorer |
Win only |
Price | Derby | Sunderland | Price |
6/1 | Jerry Yates | Wilson Isidor | 4/1 | 13/2 | Dajaune Brown | Nazariy Rusyn | 11/2 |
13/2 | Lars Jorgen Salvesen | Eliezer Mayenda | 11/2 | 7/1 | Kayden Jackson | Jobe Bellingham | 13/2 |
7/1 | James Collins | Trey Ogunsuyi | 13/2 | 8/1 | Corey Blackett-Taylor | Romaine Mundle | 7/1 |
8/1 | Nathaniel Mendez-Laing | Chris Rigg | 8/1 | 9/1 | Marcus Harness | Patrick Roberts | 8/1 |
11/1 | Johnson Osong | Ian Poveda | 9/1 | 12/1 | Tawanda Chirewa | Harrison Jones | 9/1 |
12/1 | Tom Barkhuizen | Adil Aouchiche | 10/1 | 12/1 | Ebou Adams | Milan Aleksic | 11/1 |
14/1 | David Ozoh | Enzo Le Fee | 12/1 |
No Goalscorer | 15/2 |
Derby V Sunderland |
21st Jan 25 7:45 pm |
Derby Scorecast |
Win Only |
1-0 | 2-0 | 2-1 | 3-0 | 3-1 | 3-2 | 1-1 | 2-2 | |
Jerry Yates | 40/1 | 65/1 | 55/1 | 150/1 | 110/1 | 150/1 | 33/1 | 75/1 |
Dajaune Brown | 40/1 | 65/1 | 55/1 | 150/1 | 110/1 | 150/1 | 33/1 | 75/1 |
Lars Jorgen Salvesen | 40/1 | 65/1 | 55/1 | 150/1 | 110/1 | 150/1 | 33/1 | 75/1 |
Kayden Jackson | 50/1 | 75/1 | 60/1 | 175/1 | 135/1 | 175/1 | 40/1 | 100/1 |
James Collins | 50/1 | 75/1 | 60/1 | 175/1 | 135/1 | 175/1 | 40/1 | 100/1 |
Corey Blackett-Taylor | 50/1 | 75/1 | 60/1 | 175/1 | 135/1 | 175/1 | 40/1 | 100/1 |
Nathaniel Mendez-Laing | 50/1 | 75/1 | 60/1 | 175/1 | 135/1 | 175/1 | 40/1 | 100/1 |
Marcus Harness | 55/1 | 100/1 | 70/1 | 200/1 | 160/1 | 200/1 | 50/1 | 130/1 |
Johnson Osong | 55/1 | 100/1 | 70/1 | 200/1 | 160/1 | 200/1 | 50/1 | 130/1 |
Tawanda Chirewa | 70/1 | 135/1 | 100/1 | 275/1 | 225/1 | 275/1 | 66/1 | 175/1 |
Tom Barkhuizen | 70/1 | 135/1 | 100/1 | 275/1 | 225/1 | 275/1 | 66/1 | 175/1 |
Ebou Adams | 70/1 | 135/1 | 100/1 | 275/1 | 225/1 | 275/1 | 66/1 | 175/1 |
David Ozoh | 70/1 | 135/1 | 100/1 | 275/1 | 225/1 | 275/1 | 66/1 | 175/1 |
Derby V Sunderland |
21st Jan 25 7:45 pm |
Sunderland Scorecast |
Win Only |
1-0 | 2-0 | 2-1 | 3-0 | 3-1 | 3-2 | 1-1 | 2-2 | |
Wilson Isidor | 25/1 | 33/1 | 33/1 | 60/1 | 60/1 | 90/1 | 22/1 | 60/1 |
Nazariy Rusyn | 28/1 | 40/1 | 40/1 | 70/1 | 70/1 | 125/1 | 33/1 | 75/1 |
Eliezer Mayenda | 28/1 | 40/1 | 40/1 | 70/1 | 70/1 | 125/1 | 33/1 | 75/1 |
Jobe Bellingham | 28/1 | 40/1 | 40/1 | 70/1 | 70/1 | 125/1 | 33/1 | 75/1 |
Trey Ogunsuyi | 28/1 | 40/1 | 40/1 | 70/1 | 70/1 | 125/1 | 33/1 | 75/1 |
Romaine Mundle | 33/1 | 50/1 | 50/1 | 90/1 | 90/1 | 150/1 | 40/1 | 100/1 |
Chris Rigg | 33/1 | 50/1 | 50/1 | 90/1 | 90/1 | 150/1 | 40/1 | 100/1 |
Patrick Roberts | 33/1 | 50/1 | 50/1 | 90/1 | 90/1 | 150/1 | 40/1 | 100/1 |
Ian Poveda | 45/1 | 55/1 | 55/1 | 110/1 | 110/1 | 175/1 | 50/1 | 130/1 |
Harrison Jones | 45/1 | 55/1 | 55/1 | 110/1 | 110/1 | 175/1 | 50/1 | 130/1 |
Adil Aouchiche | 45/1 | 55/1 | 55/1 | 110/1 | 110/1 | 175/1 | 50/1 | 130/1 |
Milan Aleksic | 45/1 | 55/1 | 55/1 | 110/1 | 110/1 | 175/1 | 50/1 | 130/1 |
Enzo Le Fee | 55/1 | 70/1 | 70/1 | 150/1 | 150/1 | 250/1 | 66/1 | 175/1 |
Derby V Sunderland |
21st Jan 25 7:45 pm |
Last Goalscorer |
Win only |
Price | Derby | Sunderland | Price |
6/1 | Jerry Yates | Wilson Isidor | 4/1 | 13/2 | Lars Jorgen Salvesen | Nazariy Rusyn | 11/2 |
13/2 | Dajaune Brown | Eliezer Mayenda | 11/2 | 7/1 | James Collins | Trey Ogunsuyi | 13/2 |
7/1 | Kayden Jackson | Jobe Bellingham | 13/2 | 8/1 | Corey Blackett-Taylor | Romaine Mundle | 7/1 |
8/1 | Nathaniel Mendez-Laing | Patrick Roberts | 8/1 | 9/1 | Marcus Harness | Chris Rigg | 8/1 |
11/1 | Johnson Osong | Ian Poveda | 9/1 | 12/1 | Ebou Adams | Harrison Jones | 9/1 |
12/1 | Tom Barkhuizen | Adil Aouchiche | 10/1 | 12/1 | Tawanda Chirewa | Milan Aleksic | 11/1 |
14/1 | David Ozoh | Enzo Le Fee | 12/1 |
No Goalscorer | 15/2 |
Derby V Sunderland |
21st Jan 25 7:45 pm |
Score Anytime |
Win only |
Price | Derby | Sunderland | Price |
5/2 | Jerry Yates | Wilson Isidor | 15/8 | 11/4 | Lars Jorgen Salvesen | Nazariy Rusyn | 2/1 |
11/4 | Dajaune Brown | Eliezer Mayenda | 2/1 | 3/1 | James Collins | Trey Ogunsuyi | 11/4 |
3/1 | Kayden Jackson | Jobe Bellingham | 11/4 | 10/3 | Corey Blackett-Taylor | Romaine Mundle | 3/1 |
10/3 | Nathaniel Mendez-Laing | Patrick Roberts | 10/3 | 7/2 | Marcus Harness | Chris Rigg | 10/3 |
5/1 | Johnson Osong | Ian Poveda | 7/2 | 11/2 | Ebou Adams | Harrison Jones | 7/2 |
11/2 | Tom Barkhuizen | Adil Aouchiche | 9/2 | 11/2 | Tawanda Chirewa | Milan Aleksic | 5/1 |
6/1 | David Ozoh | Enzo Le Fee | 11/2 |
No Goalscorer | 15/2 |
Derby V Sunderland |
21st Jan 25 7:45 pm |
Team To Score 2 Or More |
Win only |
Selection | Price |
Derby | 12/5 |
Neither | N/A |
Sunderland | 5/4 |
Derby V Sunderland |
21st Jan 25 7:45 pm |
To Score 2 Or More |
Win only |
Selection | Price |
No Goalscorer | N/A |
Jerry Yates | 22/1 |
Lars Jorgen Salvesen | 25/1 |
Dajaune Brown | 25/1 |
James Collins | 33/1 |
Kayden Jackson | 33/1 |
Corey Blackett-Taylor | 40/1 |
Nathaniel Mendez-Laing | 40/1 |
Marcus Harness | 50/1 |
Johnson Osong | 66/1 |
Ebou Adams | 80/1 |
Tom Barkhuizen | 80/1 |
Tawanda Chirewa | 80/1 |
David Ozoh | 80/1 |
Any Other | N/A |
Wilson Isidor | 12/1 |
Eliezer Mayenda | 16/1 |
Nazariy Rusyn | 16/1 |
Trey Ogunsuyi | 25/1 |
Jobe Bellingham | 25/1 |
Romaine Mundle | 33/1 |
Chris Rigg | 40/1 |
Patrick Roberts | 40/1 |
Ian Poveda | 50/1 |
Harrison Jones | 50/1 |
Adil Aouchiche | 66/1 |
Milan Aleksic | 66/1 |
Enzo Le Fee | 80/1 |
Derby V Sunderland |
21st Jan 25 7:45 pm |
Total Goals |
Win only |
Selection | Price |
0 Or 1 | 2/1 |
2 Or 3 | 20/21 |
4 Or More | 11/4 |
Derby V Sunderland |
21st Jan 25 7:45 pm |
1.5 Goals |
Win only |
Selection | Price |
Under 1.5 | 2/1 |
Derby V Sunderland Over 1.5 | 4/11 |
Derby V Sunderland |
21st Jan 25 7:45 pm |
2.5 Goals |
Win only |
Selection | Price |
Under 2.5 | 4/6 |
Derby V Sunderland Over 2.5 | 11/10 |
Derby V Sunderland |
21st Jan 25 7:45 pm |
Win & Over 2.5 Goals |
Win only |
Selection | Price |
Derby | 9/2 |
Neither | 1/2 |
Sunderland | 11/4 |
Derby V Sunderland |
21st Jan 25 7:45 pm |
3.5 Goals |
Win only |
Selection | Price |
Under 3.5 | 1/4 |
Derby V Sunderland Over 3.5 | 11/4 |
Derby V Sunderland |
21st Jan 25 7:45 pm |
Score 1st Goal |
Win only |
Selection | Price |
Derby | 11/8 |
No Goal | 15/2 |
Sunderland | 8/11 |
Derby V Sunderland |
21st Jan 25 7:45 pm |
Half Time Betting |
Win only |
Selection | Price |
Derby | 3/1 |
Draw | 1/1 |
Sunderland | 7/4 |
Derby V Sunderland |
21st Jan 25 7:45 pm |
Match Handicap (+1) |
Win only |
Selection | Price |
Derby +1 | 4/6 |
Tie | 11/4 |
Sunderland -1 | 3/1 |
Derby V Sunderland |
21st Jan 25 7:45 pm |
Half Most Goals |
Win only |
Selection | Price |
1st Half | 21/10 |
2nd Half | 1/1 |
Tie | 12/5 |
Derby V Sunderland |
21st Jan 25 7:45 pm |
Both Teams To Score |
Win only |
Selection | Price |
Yes | 10/11 |
Derby & Sunderland - No | 4/5 |
Derby V Sunderland |
21st Jan 25 7:45 pm |
Score A Hat-Trick |
Win only |
Selection | Team | Price |
Wilson Isidor | Sunderland | 80/1 |
Eliezer Mayenda | Sunderland | 125/1 |
Nazariy Rusyn | Sunderland | 125/1 |
Jerry Yates | Derby | 200/1 |
Dajaune Brown | Derby | 250/1 |
Trey Ogunsuyi | Sunderland | 250/1 |
Lars Jorgen Salvesen | Derby | 250/1 |
Jobe Bellingham | Sunderland | 250/1 |
Ian Poveda | Sunderland | 300/1 |
James Collins | Derby | 300/1 |
Harrison Jones | Sunderland | 300/1 |
Chris Rigg | Sunderland | 300/1 |
Nathaniel Mendez-Laing | Derby | 300/1 |
Corey Blackett-Taylor | Derby | 300/1 |
Marcus Harness | Derby | 300/1 |
Romaine Mundle | Sunderland | 300/1 |
Patrick Roberts | Sunderland | 300/1 |
Kayden Jackson | Derby | 300/1 |
Milan Aleksic | Sunderland | 500/1 |
Adil Aouchiche | Sunderland | 500/1 |
David Ozoh | Derby | 500/1 |
Johnson Osong | Derby | 500/1 |
Ebou Adams | Derby | 500/1 |
Tom Barkhuizen | Derby | 500/1 |
Tawanda Chirewa | Derby | 500/1 |
Enzo Le Fee | Sunderland | 500/1 |
No Goalscorer | N/A |
Derby V Sunderland |
21st Jan 25 7:45 pm |
Btts Win Or Draw |
Win only |
Selection | Price |
Btts Either Team Win | 2/1 |
Derby & Sunderland Btts Draw | 7/2 |
Neither | 4/5 |
Derby V Sunderland |
21st Jan 25 7:45 pm |
Double Chance |
Win only |
Selection | Price |
Sunderland Or Draw | 3/10 |
Derby Or Draw | 4/6 |
Derby Or Sunderland | 1/3 |
Derby V Sunderland |
21st Jan 25 7:45 pm |
Draw No Bet |
Win only |
Selection | Price |
Sunderland | 8/15 |
Derby | 11/8 |
Derby V Sunderland |
21st Jan 25 7:45 pm |
Goal In Both Halves |
Win only |
Selection | Price |
Derby & Sunderland - No | 4/5 |
Yes | 10/11 |
Derby V Sunderland |
21st Jan 25 7:45 pm |
To Win To Nil |
Win only |
Selection | Price |
Sunderland | 5/2 |
Derby | 9/2 |
No | N/A |
Derby V Sunderland |
21st Jan 25 7:45 pm |
Win & Btts |
Win only |
Selection | Price |
Sunderland | 4/1 |
Derby | 6/1 |
Neither | 3/10 |
Derby V Sunderland |
21st Jan 25 7:45 pm |
2-0 Or 2-1 Win 1-0 |
Win only |
Selection | Price |
Sunderland | 2/1 |
Derby | 10/3 |
Neither | 4/5 |